Bilateral Meetings
- Saturday 18 April 2015 (09:30 am - 10:45 am)

DescriptionThe Etnonature is a Portuguese company fully devoted to organizing activities related to bird watching (birdwatching) and nature walks.
The Etnonature offers tours with the best in the Algarve bird watching spots, the most important wetlands and internationally recognized as areas of high ornithological value.
Each tour is designed based on the specific interests of our customers, whether occasional customers Birdwatching (fans) or specialists clients in the subject. As such, Etnonature, has quality optical equipment for all.
Above all, the EtnoNature, attaches great importance to the preservation and no disturbance of habitats we visited, always acting in accordance with the ethical code of the bird watcher and the Code of Conduct for Nature Turimo companies.
Organization Type
CityVila Real de Santo António, Rua Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 48-1ºDto Google map
Areas of Activities
- Active and Nature Tourism Activities
Birdwatching Routes
The Etnonature offers Birdwatching routes in three different places in the Algarve: Natural Reserve of Castro Marim Marshland and Vila Real de Santo António (Program 1), Ria Formosa (Program 2), Vilamoura Environmental Park and the Lagoa dos Salgados (Program 3 )